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If you'd like to become a member of the Kansas City R2 Builders Club please Contact us.
Mike Joel George
Joel F
George W
Mike Gruhala

Occupation: Architect


Droid: R2-D2


Build time: 2.5 Years


What got you interested in building? 

Watching a "Making of Star Wars" documentary


What else are you building?

Scale Studio Star Wars Props

Joel Fritzinger

Occupation: Broadcast Operations Manager


Droid: R2-Q5, R2-D2


Build time: 2 Years


What got you interested in building? 

Love of Star Wars & building things, and a push from my wife.


What else are you building?

MSE Droid, Storm Trooper armor

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George Westwater
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Occupation: Software Engineer


Droid: R2-A7, R2-D2


Build time: 2 Years


What got you interested in building? 

It was a project for my 2 boys and I to work on.


What else are you building?

C-3PO, MCE, Interrogation Droid, K9, Dalek

Brandon, Mathew P, David S
Mathew P
David S
Brandon Paith

Occupation: Voice Actor

Droid: R2-D2

Build time: 3 Years

What else are you building?

Studio Scale Models, MSE

Biggest build challenge?


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Mathew Palzewicz

Occupation: Professional Loafer/Teenager Wrangler


Droid: R2-D2


Build time: Researching for 8 months


What got you interested in building? 

Love robots, R2-D2 was the first robot I was introduced to as a child


What else are you building? Legos, large collection of vintage toys


Biggest build challenge?

I work best by observing others. Pictures & written descriptions don't really click for me

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David Scarlett

Occupation: Systems Administrator


Droid: R2-D2


Build time: 2 Years


What got you interested in building?

Seeing other droids at Planet Comicon, really wanted one of my own


What else are you building?

Do Legos Count?


Biggest build challenge? Probably working on my dome


Kevin, Kristen, Chris R
Chris R
Kevin Schwarz

Occupation: Software Consultant


Droid: R2-D2


Build time: 1.5 Years


What got you interested in building?

R2-D2 has always been my favorite, and I love building things


What else are you building? Enclave Helmet from Fallout 2


Biggest build challenge? Figuring out where to start. The legs are giving me a bit of trouble right now.

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Kristen Paith

Age: 32


Occupation: Forensic Scientist


Droid: R2-K10


Build time: Ongoing


Biggest build challenge? Money!

Chris Rice

Occupation: Self Employed


Droid: R2-D2


Build time: 2 Years


What got you interested in building? 

R2 Builders Club


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Travis, Charles, Scotty
Travis Macken

Occupation: Software Developer


Droid: R2-D2


Build time: 6 Months


What else are you building? Chewbacca Costume




Charles Kunkel

Occupation: President, C K Enterprises, Inc.


Droid: R2-D2


Build time: 3 Months


What got you interested in building?

Meeting KCR2 at Planet Comicon 2014


Biggest build challenge?

Finding Time!


Scotty Kunefke

Occupation: Systems/Network Engineer


Droid: R2-D2


Build time: 1.5 Years


What got you interested in building?

I met the R2 Builders Club at Celebration IV


What else are you building? Shadow Trooper Armor, Death Watch Armor


Biggest build challenge? Finding time to work on it.

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Kelly, Roy, Chris L
Chris L
Kelly Luck

Occupation: System Developer


Droid: R2-D2


What got you interested in building?

Saw builders at several cons and was fascinated that people were actually building droids


Biggest build challenge?  

The sheer overwhelming options available


What else are you building? Ghostbuster proton pack

Roy Paith

Occupation: Self Employed


Droid: R2-D2


Build time: 1 Year


What got you interested in building? 

My son Brandon


What else are you building? Imperial Droid, Mini R2-D2

Chris Leffel

Occupation:  Train Engineer


Droid: R2-R9


Build time: 1 Year


What got you interested in building? 

The Phantom Menace ROCKS!


What else are you building? Next project will be Chopper from Rebels.

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KCR2 Builders Club members build full scale R2 units from the Star Wars Universe. Membership is free and open to anyone living in the Kansas City Area.

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